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What happens when you quit smoking and start vaping?

By Ever | January 11, 2023
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Vaping to quit smoking can be a great way to reduce your health risks and improve your lifestyle. Learn about the benefits of quitting smoking and vaping instead, and how vaping can help you on your journey to better health.

Regular tobacco smoking harms virtually every organ system in the body, including crucial organs like the heart and lungs. The use of nicotine replacement therapy is a well-known strategy for assisting smokers in quitting.

Yet, a lot of individuals have started utilizing vaping (or electronic cigarettes) as a method of quitting smoking in recent years. This post will cover the effects of quitting smoking as well as the advantages of switching to vaping. We’ll also look at the research on the use of vaping as a smoking cessation aid.

What happens to your body when you quit smoking?

The following will happens to your body after you quitting smoking for:

  • 24 hours: Your heart starts to recover.
  • 48 hours: You regained your ability to taste and smell.
  • 2 weeks: You’ll experience an improvement in your physical health as your lung function rises.
  • 1 month: Cilia are tiny hair-like linings found in the lungs that assist in clearing debris and bacteria from the airways. They become tar-clogged when you smoke. They will be able to move more freely and begin cleaning your airways of debris and mucus after a month without smokes. You can reduce your risk of infection by doing this.
  • 1 year: Your chance of getting heart disease has been cut in half. Your chance of getting a stroke has sharply dropped. Even if you have shifted to vaping, this is still the case.

Obviously, quitting smoking benefits your health. But the problem is how. Only four out of every 100 smokers who attempt to stop smoking cold turkey are successful in doing so for longer than six months. Most people require some assistance in order to successfully stop smoking.

The Science Behind Vaping According to research, using a vaping device to stop smoking is 60% more effective than using a nicotine patch or gum.

Nicotine withdrawal is a major reason why many attempts to stop smoking fail, but using a vape with nicotine E-Liquid helps lessen these urges.

Which quit-smoking strategy works the best?

You may have heard of some Stop Smoking app such as quitStart app in states. You can track your progress as you quit, see how much money you’re saving, and get daily support whenever you need it with this convenient tool in the palm of your hand.

You can seek assistance from a variety of nearby stop smoking programs, which can increase your chances of success by up to three times! You can locate your local services and obtain all the information you need if you live in states. As an alternative, government offers a number of stop-smoking aids, which are frequently found in pharmacies and some stores.

These nicotine replacement therapies are perfect for smokers since they still let you experience a nicotine high, which is one of the main barriers to quitting for smokers. The most popular ones include chewing gum, pills, nasal/mouth spray, and skin patches.

It is suggested, using more than one nicotine replacement therapies is preferable to using only one. This is due to the fact that some substances combat withdrawal symptoms more effectively than others while lasting longer. For instance, if you utilized nicotine patches, you might wish to combine them with nicotine gum for a quicker effect.

Vapes are one of the most efficient methods for quitting smoking, and have demonstrated promising results in quit-smoking attempts. There are several explanations for this. First, due to their shape, they closely resemble the sensation of smoking cigarettes, which can help reduce cravings. They also offer some smokers a comparable pull and throat sensation, and of course, they deliver a nicotine dose to sate cravings.

Vaping to quit smoking, feel better?

A recent data assessment once again noted a 95% reduction in harm from smoking compared to vaping, which has been shown to be far less dangerous than cigarette smoking. Therefore it makes sense that switching from smoking to vaping will feel extremely different from your cigarette-smoking days. This is partly caused by the thousands of dangerous carcinogens found in carbon monoxide and cigarette smoke.

Although some of these chemicals and poisons can also be detected in vapes, there is a far smaller concentration than there is in cigarettes. By choosing to vape rather than smoke, you are lowering the amount of carbon monoxide that builds up in your lungs and lowers blood oxygen levels. And this is but one of the advantages you’re likely to experience; yet, in order to reap these rewards, you must unquestionably give up smoking.

Smokers who also vape are less likely to experience significant side effects, but they will still experience some advantages and have a greater chance of eventually giving up cigarettes for good.

Your body will have started to mend itself more as time goes on after your last smoke. Your circulation will have improved between 2 and 12 weeks later, resulting in much greater blood flow to your heart and muscles. Your lung function will increase by up to 10% after 3 to 9 months. Your risk of heart attack will be half that of a smoker a year after you stop smoking!

Side effects of quit smoking and start vaping

When moving from smoking to vaping, it’s customary to experience a few relatively common adverse effects that are typically light and manageable.

Initial coughing spells may occur for some. Because vaping might feel different from smoking—the vapour itself feels distinct from cigarette smoke, this is a regular occurrence. If it keeps happening, you might need to modify your vaping technique since you might be inhaling too quickly or your nicotine strength may not be right for you. After a few days, if you’re still coughing, try inhaling slowly and deeply when vaping or switch to Nic Salts, which are easier on the throat.

Also, it’s possible that you vape excessively. While the nicotine effect may not be felt right away if you smoke, especially if you smoke heavily, you may find that you vape more frequently than you realize.

You can experience a little headache, faint nausea, or dizziness as a result. If this occurs, stop vaping and wait for it to pass. If it occurs frequently, though, you may be using too much nicotine. Reduce your strength, and if it persists, ask your doctor or a medical professional for guidance.

How many vape puffs are equal one cigarette?

Manufacturers of vapes typically claim that 10 puffs from your vape are equivalent to 10 puffs from a cigarette. They further assert that one cigarette only requires 10 puffs. Of course, this changes depending on the size of your puffs, the power of your vape, and the amount of nicotine you are using.

The issue is that a vape does not end as a cigarette does, despite the fact that vaping is marginally better for your lungs than smoking regular cigarettes. You may become compulsive and vape for longer than you would smoke a tobacco cigarette as a result.

Are vapes harmful than traditional cigarettes?

According to the available data, vapes are less dangerous than conventional cigarettes and other tobacco products. However many vaping and e-cigarette products have significant nicotine content, are highly addictive, and can produce withdrawal symptoms just like regular cigarettes. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cautions that using an electronic cigarette might result in lung illness and other health issues, making it less safe than traditional cigarettes.

Is Vaping to quit smoking good?

Undoubtedly, your risk of developing significant health issues decreases the sooner you stop smoking. The verdict is still out on which method of quitting smoking, vaping or nicotine replacement therapy, is more effective.

According to several research, using vapes to quit smoking can help young people who have a serious nicotine addiction. Other studies have revealed that the effectiveness of vapes and nicotine replacement therapy in aiding in quitting smoking is comparable. Others, however, have found that vape users had worse success staying smoke-free than non-users.

It is important to keep in mind that many vaping products that are promoted as smoking cessation aids have significant nicotine contents. Generally speaking, nicotine-containing vaping products are superior to nicotine-free products in terms of helping individuals quit smoking.

The truth is that it’s still uncertain how using vapes affects quitting smoking. Some people may find that vaping helps them cut back on smoking and break their nicotine addiction. Yet, the best method for quitting smoking does not appear to be vaping or using e-cigarettes, according to the most recent scientific research.

The ultimate objective, according to experts, should be to stop using any nicotine products, including conventional cigarettes and vapes.

Generally speaking, vaping to quit smoking is not a bad idea. There are body benefits of quitting smoking and vaping instead. But, the better idea is, Don’t Smoke At All, neither cigarattes nor vapes.




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